Fact Sheet 1

Why do I need this test?

Did you know?

  • In a metagenomic molecular study in 2017 in North America, of 8,816 nails suspected as being mycotic, only approximately 50% were in fact shown to be infected by fungi. The Authors noted that ‘molecular techniques were demonstrated as an accurate and efficient method for diagnosis’. (Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association)

  • In a European study in 2016 only 148 (39.5%) out of 375 clinical samples were dermatophytes found. This study used four different PCR tests and culture. Culture was by far the least reliable growing dermatophytes from only 13.1% of PCR positive samples. (Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Under the banner of ISHAM-International Society for Human and Animal Mycoses)

In short, metagenomic analysis is highly reliable in establishing:

1) That a fungal infection is present

2) What species are causing the infection

3) As a guide to what will be effective treatment

Metagenomics analysis is needed to establish that the suspect nail is in fact mycotic.

It is a test we need to do

For a copy of the papers cited above please email info@hainsworthgenomics.com.au or call Dr Steven Hainsworth PhD on 0429 707 492.

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About Me

Steven Hainsworth

Steven is a podiatrist and research scientist from Melbourne, Australia. His fascination with dermatophytes has been maintained throughout his working career with a special interest in onychomycosis and tinea pedis.

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